Shift & Click (Lock Joint rotating click arrow between joint)īelow is a image which shows the final rig on the character with some of the parts bent using the rig and notes above to make the character move.Alt & Click Joint (Arrow between joints).For eyes/ facial features make bones really small.Press/ hold spacebar to get hand to move around.Press button with 3 boxes connected with arrow up.move pivot into each position on each layer then click Inverse Kilomatic button.Use keyframes to move/ animate automatically fills inbetweens with tweens.Click bone editing mode to fix bones position.Pivots on each layer move & by clicking & move onto Joint position then click Inverse Kilomatic button and all connect.Press Inverse Kilomatics button (Below transform tool/ diamond button).Attach arms and legs to torso with parent and child (Drag & Drop).Only put on 1 on Pos Z if cannot see it on parent layer.Hand connect to lower arm and lower arm connected to upper arm.In Position Z= Pos Z change to 0.1 for each of facial features- brings foward/ above head layer but not in layers menu.Not gone behind head (When put facial features into head layer).Put all facial features into head layer.Should highlight purple when transform tool selected in Toon boom.Remember constant lines- 10 pixels, inner lines 5 pixels & detail 2 pixels.Put all layers into individual group folders named after part e.g.Rounded joints- e.g arms so Upper arm and lower arm have rounded joints rather than two lines with no connection.Everything on separate layers including arms, eyes, nose, feet, mouth, hat, etc.Furthermore each of the character body parts/ clothing are on individual layers in Photoshop, there is a reason for this which will make rigging easier in Toon boom. But anyway here are some notes from today’s lesson to show the processes for making a simple rig in Toon Boom Harmony.īelow is the final character design made in Photoshop with a simple grey scale colour to make some of the features stand out.

In today’s lesson my task was to create a character design for a chef in Photoshop and then import the Photoshop file into Toon Boom so I can rig it.